Saturday, July 12, 2008

midsummer alighting

We are lucky enough, this summer, to be spending a good bit of time with family...and, for us, that means zipping around the northeastern edge of the continent and skipping over the Pacific to an island with many happy sister and I were both born there. Our wonderful parents celebrated their 50th Anniversary in June, and the way they celebrate is to treat the family to time in Oahu. Their generosity and love are legend. They are our heroes, in so very many ways: they have given us the most exemplary blueprint for family, and we are forever grateful. 

It is good to be going back to the land of red dirt and tropic lightning...

ooooo, how we love Haleiwa. And Manhattan, Southampton (shells, above), Maryland, and Pennsylvania...and we wish we could've popped by West Point (there is nothing so grand as the Hudson River Valley), Groton Long Point, and something in D.C. besides Dulles. But there was not space enough nor time. 

Thus, the posts this summer are sporadic. There hasn't even really been time to unpack (which sort of satisfies the gypsy in me). We do hope to send word from Oahu, though--perhaps, tied with Germany, our favorite "no place like home" on earth.

When you grow up as an Army Brat, there are a lot of places you get to call home. It's a good thing.